Protect Your Dog From The Dangers Of Bloating

Posted on: 26 January 2016

As a human, bloating is often nothing more than a simple nuisance that will fix itself. In dogs the opposite is true. Bloating is an indication that the dog's abdominal area has filled with gas. This in turn puts pressure on the diaphragm, making simple tasks like turning or even breathing, harder. In extreme cases, bloat can even cause the stomach to rotate, putting the dog into a state of shock and causing a sudden death. Bloating is a matter that should be addressed right away.

Keep Your Eyes Open

Since your pet can't tell you when they are suffering from this condition, your keen eye will serve as the most important layer of protection. The first thing to watch for is an enlarged abdominal cavity. However, depending on your dog's build, you may not be able to immediately notice the increase in size. Additional symptoms that accompany bloating include vomiting, strained breathing, increased drooling or a reduced pulse. Some pets will also have a noticeable pale color around their mouth or nose.

Taking Action

If you believe your pet is suffering from bloating, see a medical professional right away. Generally, upon arrival your pet will be administered oxygen to stabilize breathing. Next, a procedure known as a gastric decompression is performed.

This treatment involves the insertion of a tube into the stomach that works to release any fluid or air accumulation, in an effort to return the stomach to its original size. Next, an abdomen exploration is often performed to check for any damage, determine the cause of the bloating and decide if any further treatment is necessary.

Risk Factors And Prevention

All dogs can succumb to this condition; however, there are some breeds that are at a higher risk than others. Large Setters and Great Danes are just two of the breeds that are at an increased risk because of their large chest size. If you own one of these breeds your veterinarian might suggest a procedure known as a gastropexy to help protect from this condition.

In terms of prevention, it begins with you. First, make sure you aren't overfeeding your pet. Allowing your pet to eat more than their stomach can easily contain isn't healthy. Additionally, make sure you are giving the pet ample time for their food to digest. Avoid taking your dog out for exercise immediately after feeding.

Make sure you are keeping your eyes open to protect your dog from bloating and should bloating occur, make sure you're taking swift action. By taking your pet to a veterinarian, such as the Gulfport Veterinarian, at the first sign of trouble, you might be able to save your dog's life. 
